
Neon Genesis Evangelion Series Review – An Exciting and Inspirational Anime

Neon Genesis Evangelion Series Review – An Exciting and Inspirational Anime

Welcome to my Neon Genesis Evangelion Series Review blog post.  First of all, I like to say, those who have been through confidence issues, pain, sadness, happiness, joy and whether it be courage or fear feelings, you will definitely resonate with this anime. The feelings of this anime touch the hearts and minds of people and I mean it really hits you in your heart mind and soul. From every stage of the characters in the anime, you feel the struggle and courage to overcome them. I know Life may be difficult but watching this anime, you will feel the courage and fighting spirit in you burning brightly in your heart.

The image below is an Artistic representation and not the actual Neon Genesis Evangelion Robot Unit.

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Neon Genesis Evangelion Review
Neon Genesis Evangelion Review

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“Neon Genesis Evangelion,” often simply referred to as “Evangelion,” is a seminal anime series that has profoundly influenced the genre since its debut in 1995. Created by Hideaki Anno and produced by Gainax, the series is renowned for its deep psychological themes, complex characters, and its blending of science fiction with religious symbolism. This review will delve into the various aspects of the series, from its innovative storytelling and character development to its cultural impact and relevance to modern issues.

Plot and Setting

“Neon Genesis Evangelion” is set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is under threat from colossal beings known as Angels. The series follows Shinji Ikari, a young boy who is recruited by his estranged father to pilot a giant bio-mechanical robot called an Evangelion to combat these threats. The plot evolves from a straightforward monster-of-the-week formula to a complex narrative exploring themes of loneliness, depression, and human frailty.

The setting of Tokyo-3, a city that can transform and descend underground in response to angelic attacks, mirrors today’s advances in technology where cities have begun to integrate transformative infrastructure to combat environmental and security challenges. For example, the movable barriers of Venice or the adaptive architecture seen in areas prone to natural disasters.

Characters and Development

The series is particularly noted for its character development. Shinji, the protagonist, is depicted with considerable psychological depth. His struggles with identity, worth, and paternal approval are central themes that drive the narrative forward. Other characters, like Rei Ayanami and Asuka Langley Soryu, also deal with significant personal traumas and desires for acceptance and love.

This focus on mental health issues mirrors the growing global dialogue on the topic. Evangelion’s portrayal of its characters’ psychological struggles has opened up conversations in real-world scenarios, encouraging viewers to confront and discuss mental health openly.

Artistic Style and Direction

Evangelion’s artistic direction is another critical element. The series’ use of color, especially the stark contrasts during battles, and its unconventional presentation of action sequences set it apart from other anime of its time. The design of the Evangelions and Angels are both iconic and rich with symbolic meaning, drawing on religious and mythological imagery.

In today’s creative industries, the influence of Evangelion’s artistic style can be seen in various media, including video games and movies, where the blend of technology and organic elements is more prevalent and where visual storytelling often carries as much weight as narrative exposition.

Cultural Impact and Legacy

Since its release, “Neon Genesis Evangelion” has had a vast cultural impact. It has inspired a multitude of works in anime, manga, film, and even fashion. The series has also been at the forefront of discussions regarding the relationship between creators and their audiences, particularly around the topics of fan expectations and the pressures they can place on creators.

The series’ approach to complex themes and its honest exploration of human emotions resonate with the increasingly complex global issues of today, such as the intersection of technology and ethics, making it continually relevant.


“Neon Genesis Evangelion” remains a cornerstone of anime culture for its innovative approach to storytelling, character development, and its profound philosophical inquiries. Its influence extends beyond the confines of its genre, touching on various aspects of modern life and encouraging a deeper examination of our existence. The series not only entertains but also challenges its viewers to think critically about themselves and the world around them, maintaining its relevance in an ever-evolving cultural landscape.

Key Takeaway

  1. Innovative Storytelling: “Neon Genesis Evangelion” breaks away from traditional anime narratives, introducing complex psychological themes and an intricate plot that evolves from simple to profoundly philosophical, influencing how stories can be told in animation.
  2. Deep Character Exploration: The series is renowned for its deep dive into the psychological complexities of its characters. This focus on character psychology has helped destigmatize discussions around mental health issues, making it a precursor to many modern narratives that explore similar themes.
  3. Artistic Impact: Evangelion’s unique artistic style, with its use of color, symbolic imagery, and dynamic battle sequences, has left a lasting impact on the anime industry and beyond, influencing various forms of media.
  4. Cultural Relevance: The show’s themes of loneliness, existential dread, and the human condition resonate deeply in today’s world, where such issues are increasingly relevant, making Evangelion a timeless piece that connects with audiences across different generations.
  5. Technological and Urban Innovation: The futuristic setting of Tokyo-3, with its adaptive architecture, reflects real-world advancements in technology and urban planning, offering a visionary perspective on how we might cope with future environmental and security challenges.
  6. Legacy and Influence: Evangelion has not only inspired countless creators in the fields of animation, film, and video games but also sparked important conversations about the relationship between creators and their audiences, particularly regarding expectations and artistic integrity.

These key points highlight why “Neon Genesis Evangelion” continues to be celebrated and studied, making it not only a cornerstone of anime culture but also a significant cultural artifact in modern media.

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How To Make Money Online Without Paying Anything

How To Make Money Online Without Paying Anything

Welcome You To How To Make Money Online Without Paying Anything Blog Post. Making money online without an initial investment is entirely feasible. For example, consider offering freelance services such as writing, graphic design, or programming on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. These sites allow you to leverage skills you already possess to earn income. Additionally, participating in online surveys through sites like Survey Junkie can generate small earnings. Another effective approach is affiliate marketing; promoting products through a blog or social media can earn you commissions without any cost to start. These methods are practical and currently effective.

How To Make Money Online Without Paying Anything
How To Make Money Online Without Paying Anything

In today’s digital age, making money online without any upfront investment is not only possible but also increasingly common. Here are some legitimate and effective ways to generate income online, utilizing resources and skills you likely already have.

Offer Freelance Services

One of the most straightforward methods to make money online without any cost is freelancing. Platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr allow you to offer a variety of services ranging from writing and editing to graphic design and web development. The key is to create a compelling profile that showcases your skills and successfully bid on projects that match your expertise.

Example: Sarah, a graphic designer, uses her portfolio on Behance and LinkedIn to attract clients on Fiverr, where she offers logo design services starting at $50 per project.

Participate in Online Surveys

Though it won’t replace a full-time income, participating in online surveys can be a simple way to earn a little extra cash. Websites like Survey Junkie, Swagbucks, and Toluna invite you to complete surveys on a range of topics from consumer goods to healthcare.

Example: John spends about an hour each day completing surveys on Swagbucks, earning about $50 to $100 per month, which he uses for extra spending money.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves promoting other people’s products and earning a commission from sales through your referral. You can start with no cost by creating content on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, or a blog, and incorporating affiliate links.

Example: Linda runs a beauty blog where she reviews products and includes affiliate links to those products. When her readers click through and purchase, she earns a commission from each sale.

Create and Sell Digital Products

If you have a particular skill or knowledge, consider creating digital products such as eBooks, courses, or printables. Platforms like Etsy, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, or Teachable can host and sell your products.

Example: Alex, an experienced marketer, writes eBooks on marketing strategies and sells them on Amazon. Each sale generates revenue without any ongoing effort after the initial creation.

Utilize Skill-Based Platforms

For those who have specific technical skills, websites like GitHub or Stack Overflow offer opportunities to earn money through programming challenges or contributing to projects.

Example: Emily, a software developer, participates in coding competitions on HackerRank and sometimes takes on freelance coding challenges, earning her extra income.

Teach Online

If you’re knowledgeable in a specific area, teaching online can be a lucrative way to earn money. Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, or even private tutoring through Skype or Zoom can help you connect with students globally.

Example: Mark, a former math teacher, offers calculus courses on Udemy. He has over 1,000 students enrolled, providing a substantial passive income.


Earning money online without an initial investment is not only feasible but also diverse in its possibilities. Whether through freelance work, participating in surveys, affiliate marketing, or selling digital products, there are numerous ways to generate income based on your skills and interests. The key is to start small, be patient, and consistently grow your online presence and skillset.

Key Takeaways

  1. Leverage Existing Skills: Utilize the skills you already have, such as writing, graphic design, or coding, by offering them as freelance services on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork.
  2. Small Earnings Add Up: Participating in online surveys or similar small tasks can provide extra cash. Although these are not high-paying, they require minimal effort and can be done in your spare time.
  3. Use Affiliate Marketing: By promoting products through blogs or social media and earning commissions on sales, affiliate marketing offers a viable way to make money without initial investments.
  4. Create Digital Products: If you have expertise in a certain area, consider creating and selling digital products like eBooks, courses, or instructional videos. These can provide ongoing passive income.
  5. Explore Online Teaching: There’s a significant demand for online education. Teaching or tutoring online allows you to reach students globally and capitalize on your knowledge.
  6. Consistency is Key: Success in making money online often requires consistency and persistence. Regularly updating your skills and offerings can help sustain and grow your income.
  7. Build Your Online Presence: A strong online presence can help attract more opportunities. Regularly update your portfolio, engage on social media, and maintain an active profile on freelance websites.

By focusing on these strategies, you can effectively start making money online without any upfront investment.


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The Practicality and Effectiveness Of Tang Soo Do – Traditional Korean Martial Arts

The Practicality and Effectiveness Of Tang Soo Do – Traditional Korean Martial Arts

Welcome to The Practicality and Effectiveness Of Tang Soo Do blog post. Tang Soo Do, a Korean martial art, emphasizes self-defense, discipline, and health. Its practicality shines in real-life scenarios where practitioners apply swift, precise techniques to neutralize threats, proving effective for all ages. Schools worldwide report increased confidence among students, who use these skills defensively, aligning with the art’s ethical foundation. Moreover, Tang Soo Do’s holistic approach, incorporating meditation and conditioning, fosters mental and physical wellness, making it a comprehensive practice for personal development and self-protection.

The Practicality and Effectiveness Of Tang Soo Do
The Practicality and Effectiveness Of Tang Soo Do

Tang Soo Do is a Korean martial art that has garnered respect worldwide for its blend of combat techniques, self-defense capabilities, and holistic benefits. This art form is not just about fighting; it’s a way of life that influences personal development, physical health, and mental fortitude.

Historical Background and Evolution

Originating from ancient Korean combat skills, Tang Soo Do was formalized in the mid-20th century by Grandmaster Hwang Kee. It incorporates elements from Shotokan karate, subak, taekkyon, and Chinese martial arts, making it a well-rounded discipline. This hybrid nature contributes to its effectiveness in self-defense and its appeal across diverse cultures.

Self-Defense and Real-Life Applications

One of the most significant aspects of Tang Soo Do is its practical application in real-life self-defense situations. The techniques are designed to be effective against larger and stronger opponents, making it an excellent choice for personal safety. For instance, the emphasis on quick, sharp strikes to vulnerable areas allows practitioners to neutralize threats efficiently.

Real-world applications can be seen in various self-defense workshops and courses that teach Tang Soo Do techniques to help individuals protect themselves. In urban environments where personal safety can be a concern, these skills are particularly valuable. For example, a Tang Soo Do academy in Philadelphia offers classes that focus on realistic self-defense scenarios, teaching students how to handle various threats, from muggings to physical assaults.

Health and Fitness Benefits

Tang Soo Do offers extensive health benefits. Practicing the forms and techniques improves cardiovascular health, muscle strength, flexibility, and coordination. The physical training involved helps practitioners maintain a healthy weight, reduce stress levels, and increase overall energy levels.

Moreover, the art form promotes longevity and wellness. Regular practice has been linked with improved agility and a decrease in age-related health issues. Practitioners often report better posture, reduced back pain, and enhanced flexibility.

Mental and Emotional Growth

Mental discipline is a cornerstone of Tang Soo Do. The training emphasizes focus, patience, and perseverance, which translate into daily life, enhancing one’s ability to handle stress and adversity. The meditation practices integrated into the training sessions help improve mental clarity and emotional stability.

Success stories abound of young people who have turned their lives around through the discipline and focus learned in Tang Soo Do. For instance, a youth program in South Africa uses Tang Soo Do to help at-risk teens develop self-esteem and leadership skills. Participants have shown remarkable improvements in their academic performance and personal relationships.

Community and Cultural Impact

Tang Soo Do extends beyond physical and mental training; it fosters a sense of community and cultural appreciation. The dojang (training hall) is a place where individuals of all ages and backgrounds come together, united by their practice. This sense of community builds social bonds and promotes an understanding of cultural traditions.

Internationally, Tang Soo Do tournaments and cultural exchange programs further the art’s impact. These events not only showcase the skill and talent of practitioners but also promote cultural unity and understanding among diverse groups.


Tang Soo Do remains a relevant and effective martial art in today’s world, blending ancient techniques with modern applications. Its benefits extend beyond self-defense, offering practitioners a means to improve their health, mental well-being, and community connections. Whether for practical self-defense, physical health, or personal growth, Tang Soo Do provides a comprehensive approach to enriching one’s life.

Key Takeaways

  1. Holistic Approach: Tang Soo Do combines physical techniques with mental and emotional training, providing a comprehensive approach to personal development.
  2. Effective Self-Defense: The martial art is known for its practical self-defense techniques that are applicable in real-world scenarios, helping practitioners feel safer and more confident.
  3. Physical Health Benefits: Regular practice of Tang Soo Do improves cardiovascular health, muscle strength, flexibility, and coordination, contributing to overall physical wellness.
  4. Mental Discipline: The discipline instills mental focus, patience, and perseverance, which are beneficial beyond the dojang, helping practitioners manage stress and adversity in everyday life.
  5. Community and Cultural Appreciation: Tang Soo Do fosters a sense of community and promotes cultural understanding through its practices and international events, enhancing social connections and cultural awareness.
  6. Youth Empowerment: Programs focused on teaching Tang Soo Do to at-risk youth have shown significant positive impacts on self-esteem, academic performance, and personal development.

These key points highlight the diverse benefits of Tang Soo Do, not just as a martial art but as a lifestyle that enriches various aspects of life.

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